October 2015


What Are Some Tax Efficient Investing Strategies?

What would you say if I told you that you can increase your long-term investment portfolio returns without increasing the risk or even changing which investments you use? You would probably call me crazy or a liar. The fact is, it is relatively easy to do. It has to do with being tax efficient and lowering the tax bill those

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Unique Roth Conversion Strategies

In 1997, the U.S. Congress established a new type of retirement account named after Senator William Roth. Although this account did not provide an immediate tax deduction, it did offer a powerful and simple concept– all growth, if kept until retirement age, would be TAX-FREE. For many years, higher income Americans were unable to participate in either annual Roth contributions

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Identity Theft Protection

I recently received an email from a concerned client who had just found out there was $18,000 in unauthorized transactions on his credit card. His credit score had dropped 43 points already and he was worried that he was a victim of identity theft. Here is some of the advice I gave him. The fact his credit card was stolen

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An Insider’s Perspective of the Investment Marketplace

How are Financial Products Distributed? The average person goes to school, graduates, then gets a job. Between buying a car, house, and other post-graduate purchases, there is usually not much thought giving to saving and investing, but once someone is ready to start investing, what is the first step? Everywhere you turn there is an investment opportunity. The banker says

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Financial Planning To Fund Retirement

Life beyond paid work can be fulfilling, but getting there requires financial planning, self-control San Antonio is a popular choice for retirement because of its low cost of living, sunny weather, quality health care and urban amenities. But when planning for retirement, the first question you may need to ask yourself is: “Do you really want to retire?” Studies show

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Funding Retirement

Life beyond paid work can be fulfilling, but getting there requires planning, self-control San Antonio is a popular choice for retirement because of its low cost of living, sunny weather, quality health care and urban amenities. But when planning for retirement, the first question you may need to ask yourself is: “Do you really want to retire?” Studies show that

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